A Free GUI for Accessing Local S3 (HTTP) on macOS


If you are testing some stuff on your development environment and are looking for a convenient UI to access a locally hosted S3 through HTTP, take a look at Cyberduck with a custom profile. Read below to learn how to set it up in a few simple steps.

  1. Install Cyberduck itself by running brew install --cask cyberduck or downloading it from the official website. This way, you can use a free version that otherwise costs money in the Apple Store.
  2. Cyberduck has some built-in profiles and the possibility to install additional ones. Unfortunately, the profile S3 (HTTP) that can be added through the Preferences doesn't really work with a local S3 through HTTP. Instead, it falls back to the WebDAV profile. The solution is to download this custom profile as a file S3 (HTTP).cyberduckprofile and open it using Cyberduck (just double-click the file in Finder).
  3. Fill in Server and Port manually. Do not paste it from the clipboard; otherwise, it automatically switches to another profile 🤷‍♂️. Fill in your credentials and a Nickname, and you are ready to connect. profile
  4. Close the profile settings window and double-click it in the list.